My name is Trina.His smile ツ, Brightens my day. Beauty gets the attention, but eventually, personality gets the heart. |
Tuesday, November 24, 2009 8:08:00 PM
Can't stand it any longer. Every lie you've told me and every promise that you have promised is all a lie trying to make me feel happy temporarily. Do you think it's funny or do you think it's fun to fool someone with your promises/lie? Enough of all these lies. I will trust you no more. I'm just another foolish one. Because i'm the only one that will believe in your lies. However, again and again, i won't trust you anymore. I won't go back to you anymore. It feels like a dumb. An idiot. Well, how does it feel like when someone you love very much betrayed your trust? I rather you not telling me anything than you making promises or telling me a lie to make me happy temporarily. If you really think that i'm foolish, i'm an idiot, then you're wrong. Because a foolish, idiot will also be awake, will feel the pain, will feel the hurt. I told myself many times, not to go back. But my heart will wander back to him. And that's not something that is benefitting me. It really hurts so much. But the painful it is, the longer the scar, it would also mean that i'll be stronger. It's a mistake from the start. I should have told you from the start. Perhaps, if i've told you, right now.. Things would be much different. If things could come again, i won't hesitate no more. Because i won't let the chance/opportunity slip off my hand. All i wish for is .. to get over this. not to caught between them. not to feel like i'm a .......... Monday, November 23, 2009 11:35:00 PM
A Promise In The Dark - Keri Hilson
Listen… Can’t count on you most of all when I really need it It’s the simple things that you do really hurt my feelings The more I try, the more I’m starting to see it This can’t work anymore, than you believe it Goodbye may come as a shock Even though I love you a lot I’ve given every breath I’ve got Sometimes you gotta break down and breathe Add how many times I gave my heart To how many times we fell apart And it equals A promise in the dark So don’t promise me Add how many times I gave you me Divided by so many memories And it equals A promise in the dark So don’t promise me Listen… I just don’t know what the problem is, what the deal is Was I there too much, did I move too fast, I couldn’t see it? All these promises are probably how you deal with it I’m tired of hearing you say your innocent Don’t think I forgot Because I really didn’t, who cares if you’re lieing or not I’ve given every breath I’ve got Sometimes you gotta break down and breathe Add how many times I gave my heart To how many times we fell apart And it equals A promise in the dark So don’t promise me Add how many times I gave you me Divided by so many memories And it equals A promise in the dark So don’t promise me We all make mistakes Sometimes we do desperate things What does it prove? NOTHING And you never do nothing wrong Then what took you so long, took you so long Cuz I keep, keep hanging on, keep, keep hanging on Add how many times I gave my heart To how many times we fell apart And it equals A promise in the dark So don’t promise me Add how many times I gave you me Divided by so many memories And it equals A promise in the dark So don’t promise me So don’t promise me A song like this really really express how i feel at this point of time. At times when i can't express myself, songs like this could express how i feel. Sunday, November 22, 2009 12:47:00 AM
The me, the lost one.
I wouldn't want to know the TRUTH if i had a choice. I rather be someone who is SILLY. Time passes way too FAST. I can't seem to CATCH UP with it. But, Time stop for NO ONE. Dream on, TRINA. the only way is to PRAY. Lord, i need you.... to fill me when i'm dry... Your eyes is on the sparrow, your hand it comforts me. 12:17:00 AM
His Grace.
My heart is so proud. My mind is so unfocused. I see the things You do through me as great things I have done. And now You gently break me, then lovingly You take me and hold me as my father and mold me as my maker. Chorus: I ask you: "How many times will you pick me up, when I keep on letting you down? And each time I will fall short of Your glory, how far will forgiveness abound?" And you answer: " My child, I love you. And as long as you're seeking My face, You'll walk in the pow'r of My daily sufficient grace." At times I may grow weak and feel a bit discouraged, knowing that someone, somewhere could do a better job. For who am I to serve You?I know I don't deserve You. And that's the part that burns in my heart and keeps me hanging on. Chorus* I ask you: "How many times will you pick me up, when I keep on letting you down? And each time I will fall short of Your glory, how far will forgiveness abounds?" And you answer: " My child, I love you. And as long as you're seeking My face, You'll walk in the pow'r of My daily sufficient grace." You are so patient with me, Lord. As I walk with You, I'm learning what Your grace really means. The price that I could never pay was paid at Calvary. So, instead of trying to repay You, I'm learning to simply obey You by giving up my life to you For all that You've given to me. Chorus: I ask you: "How many times will you pick me up, when I keep on letting you down? And each time I will fall short of Your glory, how far will forgiveness abounds?" And you answer: " My child, I love you. And as long as you're seeking My face, You'll walk in the pow'r of My daily sufficient grace." This song itself really spoke to me. How much i've let Him down. These days, i've been free. I realised how much i needed him in my life. He's a friend, He's my Lord, My savior. But i asked myself, what have i done for him? Am i Worth His Blood? It says that each time i fall short of your glory, how far will forgiveness abounds? I must say, i havent' been a good child until recently. This song was introduced by the 25-10 anniversary's musical. You know, whenever i meet my fellow GB mates, my GJ mates. I did some reflection when i kept quiet. I ask myself several questions. Why am i praying to you only when i'm in trouble, i feel sad, i feel angry? That's not the way it should be. How can i say that i should stay close to you when i've drifted from you? At times, i questioned myself. Why haven't I been doing my quiet time? I have no excuses. I have to admit, i'm being plain lazy. He's my daily sufficient grace. But why am i not accepting this Grace? I am like a lost sheep. I need someone to heal me when i'm broken. and that person is no other one but, The one and only Lord. The one and only Savior. The one and only God. The one and only, Lord Jesus Christ. I need you. Forgive me. For i've know that you die for me Lord. 12:06:00 AM
我不知不覺 又徘徊在從前 Unconsciously, I have wandered back to the past again 秋風悄悄的呼喚 聽來盡是孤單 The autumn wind calls softly, filled with loneliness when heard 落葉的期盼 片片左右為難 The yearning of falling leaves, every leaf feeling caught in the middle 心走寂寞攀 跟著飄進黑暗 My heart embarks on a lonesome climb, then drifts into darkness 我不聞不問* 也許好過一點 If I don’t show interest in anything, perhaps I would feel better 被遺憾關在房間 掙扎只是拖延 Locked in the room by regret, struggling is only to delay (what is to happen) 無望的空談 一聲聲的輕嘆 Empty chatter with no hope, soft sighs one after another 回憶扯不斷 怎麼擺脫糾纏 If memories cannot be torn apart, then how can one escape from entanglement 找不到方向 往彩虹天堂 Unable to find my way, (I) head towards the rainbow heaven 有你說的愛 在用幸福觸摸懮傷 There’s the love you speak of that is using happiness to touch sadness 兩個人 相守直到白髮蒼蒼 Two people sharing their lives until their hair has turned white 自由的飛翔在燦爛的星光 Flying freely in the brilliant starlight 找不到方向 往彩虹天堂 Unable to find my way, (I) head towards the rainbow heaven 有你說的愛 在用幸福觸摸懮傷 There’s the love you speak of that is using happiness to touch sadness 兩個人 相守直到白髮蒼蒼 Two people sharing their lives until their hair has turned white 自由的飛翔在燦爛的星光 有你在我身旁 Flying freely in the brilliant starlight, I have you by my side Lately i've been thinking about what i can do. Been really free, but been really broke too. Broke, and broken. Arg. Shan't talk about it. Saturday, November 14, 2009 4:13:00 PM
i could then i would.
way up high or down low, i'll go wherever you'll go. Thursday, November 12, 2009 3:27:00 PM
Tell me what's wrong?
Why should i care if you don't even care? Right? 10:04:00 AM
Many things i want to do, i want to buy.
Working is dead, working is no life. Because the people around you is making you feel dead and lifeless. Lunchtime is great, lunchtime is fun. Because Shemona and Christabell makes my lunch an awesome one. I couldn't believe a moron ask another moron this: Woah, now that trina goes lunch with shemona and christabell, do they talk about dataentry during lunchtime? Sorry, we DON'T talk about dataentries. But we talk about You all being unreasonable. Stop being a moron asking so moron-tic question. Please, i clearly shows how moronic you are. Shut up and eat your lunch! 9:25:00 AM
Tmr marks the last day of this helly place.
I'm glad. Really glad that tmr is already the last day of my work. Glad because i won't have to see hypocrites anymore. Faces that are beautiful but in actual fact they are horrible people. Shan't elaborate any further uh. Anyway, i've seen myself being a workaholic because ever since my N'lvls ended, I didn't have the time to rest because i've been working. The day when i ended my N, straight after that i went for my job interview. And this job is immediate effect. Interview on Monday, start work on wednesday. Yes i have time to rest on weekends. But usually weekends i have family gatherings, rehearsal for 25-10. However, i'm glad i found this job. It really shows me how fake people can be. Okay, it's really fake, they are not Genuine in their words and action. This could be the reason why i don't clique with them. Honestly, i really thank wing tai for the fire drill that day. That was the day that i really met shemona and christabell. I didn't know that they were also abandon and forgotten. Anyway, the people here treat us like real shit. Temp staff so what? You don't have to care about his/her life? Awesome supervisor, awesome colleague. When i mean awesome, i really really mean "awesome". Whatever, i'm leaving tomorrow. and i'm looking forward to throwing all those CRM stuff back to her. Since she likes to push everything to me yeah? i shall push everything to her too! (: I'll gladly give her shit to do too. If she thinks that she can do 2 entries in 1 minute, Great. I doubt she herself can achieve that anyway. My speed is way faster than her and she's complaining that i'm slow. Eh, hello. Shut the hell up please. You can't do it, you jolly well do as much as you can. You can't finish yours, you get me to do all of your work and all of billy jean's work. Hey, i really wish i could give you a tight slap and make you fly to the wall. Because CRM IS PART OF YOUR WORK. anyway, for today and tomorrow, i'm just gonna to relax myself, take my time and do everything, and practice Kaimin's Motto: Man man lai! Alright, i'm even blogging in the office. Don't care what they say. As long as i finish my work on TIME, i see no reason why they should get piss off. HAHAHA. Bye, i won't miss you all bitches. But i'll miss shemona and christabell, my lunch time mates! <3 Labels: The people around you is the one who make you enjoy the process. Sunday, November 8, 2009 9:27:00 PM
Already gone..
Remember all the things we wanted I didn't want us to burn out I want you to know Looking at you makes it harder You know that i love you so I want you to know I'm already gone Already gone Remember all the things we wanted I want you to know I'm already gone Wednesday, November 4, 2009 7:25:00 PM
Working life is not the same as life in school.
It's been really working insanity these few weeks, especially when i got the job right after my exams. Really tiring and stuff. Working life, i should say, it sucks. I wish i'm paid to go to school man seriously. & i'm quite broke these days, when my pay comes, i'll have to fork out quite abit to my parents because i'm helping out to pay for the car insurance. D: Gotta say it's really expensive lea. Heart pain.. Whatever, i'm still gonna to get my lens. (: Either 50mm F1.4 or 50mm F1.8. Obviously, i'm hoping for f1.4! It definitely cost much higher than F1.8! Anyway, i've concluded something!!! The only time i'm quiet/lonely is at work. However, i found myself 2 new friend who's true to me all these while in my working life. That's Shemona and Chrisabell. I wouldn't know what will happen if they ain't there with me for lunch. and also hearing my complains. (: Thanks friends! We have another 7 more days to complain~ And also, i've seen so many, really many people with beautiful face, everything is beautiful except their personality. Super fake to the max! Alright, mom cooked dinner and i'm so going to eat HOME COOKED FOOD! <3 |