Wednesday, September 30, 2009 11:15:00 PM
Before going to bed.
A thousand of things made me feel happy today. Probably that was gift that i appreciate most. (:
Even if it's not a item that i could have it all my life, but i feel extremely happy because it was dedicated to me. (:
I'm 16 right now, i can watch those NC16 show using my IC already.
16 isn't what I'm looking for, it's 18 that I'm looking for! I want my driving licenses! I really want it! For my very own convenience! Hahaha.
I am really happy with the way i am.. Sometimes, a little moody. But get over it really soon.
I really want to go work and earn money real soon.
perhaps some outdoor stuff? I can't sit in the office man! =/
hahaha. Maybe telephone operator? Hmmm..
Great! I'm going to get a job soon.
Graduation tmr!):
will miss all of you!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 3:25:00 PM
i am sixteeeeeeeen!
Once again, Thank you for the wish&gift. Especially those who celebrated with me(Siwei, rebellah, Chunhong, John, Adrian, Desmond, Fong fei fei, and many others!),family and the guys who sang the birthday song out loud while walking to SP! (:
Thank you so much, i really appreciate each and every wish and blessing! (:
i am now SIXTEEN!
Monday, September 28, 2009 2:19:00 PM
Because you really didn't thought about how i feel despite doing everything i could.
1:13:00 PM
Turning sweet 16th in less than 24 hrs' time!
I AM OFFICIALLY 16 IN LESS THAN 24HRS TIME! (: It's my very last day of 15! There's so many things that i'm rejoicing.
Well, at least the last few days of my 16th, i'm really supa happy.(:
Thank you once again, for those who wished me.
3 more school days i'm off sec 4!
Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:20:00 PM
Everyone is very busy with their own personal life..
Shan't remind myself about what i felt disappointed about. I'm very sure they don't care anyway.
had my birthday celebration with my family at sembawang park.
Yup, had bbq for 2 days straight! |=
It was an awesome one i must say.
Thank you my 2 sisters(: &, i felt really upset because stef is not around.):
i miss her so much!
I felt so happy last night! But was a little disappointed though. |=
I think i ..... Hahaha! I felt so blessed and happy whenever you're here. (:
Thank you!
Anyway, i'm left with 4 school days and 2 days to my birthday!
Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:26:00 PM
Facebook not working):
Why isn't facebook working?! Shitty hell! i need entertainment now, right now.1. stef not around.
2. can't sleep right now.
3. facebook not working.
Please, let me go into facebook? ):
i'm going to have a real long and exciting weekend(:
Friday: Skipping school and going to ECP with rebellah. Steamboat after that.
Saturday: Going to Changi Sailing Club as a photographer for the SDSC sailing event.
Sunday: Family BBQ at Smb Park, i think to celebrate my birthday.
Monday: Moon cake festival & lantern playing @ noelle's house.
Tuesday: Not booked yet.
Wednesday: Not booked yet.
Thursday: Graduation ceremony!(:(:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:44:00 PM
I could sing of your love forever..
溏心風暴之家好月圓 is an awesome show. These few days, i've been crazy over this drama. Slept at at least 3am every night to watch this.
Because this show is way too addictive!
Really, I think i'm back to those time where i go crazy BOF etc. Awesomeness!
Handsome&handsome&handsome! All of the guys are so damn hot!
The show has a Sweet ending.
But that's just a show anyway.. Not like as if we're going to be living in those drama anyway.
BOF, fated to love you, 溏心風暴之家好月圓. So touching lah. |:
OMG.. I'm so going to watch the dramas in 3 weeks' time! Trust me! I'm near to holidays!
I am....
going to get a job during my holidays to fulfill my needs&wants!
going to have lotsa time for dramas!
going to have more photography session with kaiting!
going to plan the gathering right after my exams! (Rebellah's Chalet, & the co's gathering)
going to meet up with Carolyn Chia when she's back.
going to do all the crazy stuff together!
going to travel!
Last but not least, GOING TO SAVE UP LAH!
I have nothing to spend these few days! Next week gotta pay up for the rebellah chalet.
& I have so much meet ups, cash flow is a very very BIG BIG HUGE HUGE problem now!
Omg, these few days.. I am going to really save and not spend so much!
I realized how much i miss you these days. You're apart of me that i have not let go.
But because i am really forced leave, i can't be selfish. If you know how much i missed you, if time could turn back,
if everything could be the same like 6 months ago, i know i'll still be so happy. Joy, laughters and everything.
i know what i miss you so badly that i still couldn't let you go as yet. Trust me, i really miss you.
it's time for me to really stop thinking of you.
sometimes i wish i could be a theft.
Labels: i miss you so badly, really so badly..
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:52:00 PM
8 more days!
Sometimes somehow i felt unimportant to my family. |:I don't know why i felt this, i think they just don't bother about how i feel.
Sometimes when they doubt me, i really felt so down.
Tell me who doesn't want to do well and go poly? Who doesn't want to go to university?
Hello, do you know what i want the most? What the heck, these few days i've been home.
Either home studying or whatever.. But i didn't go out to have fun like my friends do you know?
Why did you all always looking at the side where i uses the laptop, have fun, go out?
I've also been studying!
Anyway, i guess rebellah is the only ones who remembered my birthday and cares to celebrate with me. (:
Thank you so much, Rebellah. I really appreciate it.
Sometimes i think my real blooded-Sisters are not even bothered about my birthday.. ==''
Alright, it's alright.
I shall work and satisfy my needs & wants. (:
I'm left with 8 days to graduation ceremony!
1st oct will be my graduation ceremony, i'm really looking forward to it.
But, alamak..
i know i'll miss you all. ):
i really will miss you. Miss my class, miss those nonsense and everything.):
i'm so hardworking today! i did my AI maths paper 1! (:
I'm going to catch my 溏心風暴之家好月圓 !!
buh byeee!
Friday, September 18, 2009 5:21:00 PM
I swear..
I swear i'm gonna to gem my nail after 12oct! Damn! I can't wait to gem my nails man~ Seriously, i miss my shiny nails with all the gems on top~!
Sister got me an ipod touch from china. (:
I wonder if it's a chiong version with sucky software in it. Hahaha.
Well, i appreciate it anyway.. (:
I'm really saving very very hard for the Macbook Pro!
Before my Acer die, i need something to replace it.
Alright, recently have been feeling quite mood-less.
Perhaps, i'm just jealous...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 4:57:00 PM
1. Mac book pro.
2. Camera Bag.
3. My external flash
4. My nike high cut shoe.
I was hoping if anyone could grant me this! :)
Sister(s) hopefully?? Hahaha!
Laptop is officially dyinggg!
Monday, September 14, 2009 4:35:00 PM
A weirdo & funny conversation..(:
i was having this conversation with a friend.
He: So how are you coping with your exams?
Me: Hahaha, Like hell no?
He: Then ITE? Or sec 5?
Me: None.. Going to school of : "Be a good wife." (:
He: Immediately went =.=''
Me: So, i'm working hard finding a filthy rich & loving boyfriend who can take care of me. (:
He: Immediately went ... !
Me: HAHAHA. Good what, i'll stay at home and be a tai tai. (:
He: Hahas, wait longer uh! Work hard lah Trina!
Me: Hahaha. working hard to be a good wife lor.
He: Not this way! Work hard academically lah!
Me: Yes, working hard already lo. hahaha! :D But i think i need to work hard in finding a filthy rich boyfriend who can take care of me in future. That's much important! =|
2:07:00 PM
Given up already,
These few days i wasn't really bothered with my prelim this week.I didn't have the motivation to study despite book in front of me, laptop off.
My eyelids are really feeling so heavy today during my maths exam.
Yes, i fell asleep today. I even told Rebellah that i'll be so falling asleep in my maths paper. ):
I skip hell lot of question today, totally feel like shit.
I feel so not interested in prelims now.. What the hell is prelim man?
School shouldn't have put prelim straight after the first set of n'lvls anyway.
How to study within 3 days? Yes, there's a way..
By failing all of them like no one's business. Okay, i'm typing when my brain is dead.
My brain die-ed liao lah~ Shitty hell,
Enlighten me someone, i feel so not motivated now.
Talk to me someone. )':
Feel so terrible when stef's not around, listening to all my complains...
i think i should go have a rest, and head back to studying.. ):
Sunday, September 13, 2009 9:07:00 PM
i dont know you anymore.
I hate it..I hate it so much so much.. =(
2:05:00 PM
A real fast one..
Went to ¾ mile parade yesterday, It was an awesome one for me after so long for not going back.
i went to help out as a photographer, setting up the fire for bbq.
The much more exciting part of my ¾ mild parade was the worship.
It really speak to me alot. It's like ever since i've go back for parade.
But ¾ mile parade really draw me nearer back to God. (:
It's a good thing you know.
BBQ, Fellowship together, Spending time talking about our good times in GB, looking at the video that lirong made.. It was really an enjoyable one, although it's prelims tomorrow and i'm like super unprepared, i can say, i've never never regretted joining them yesterday.
facebook uploader stop failing me will you? damn irritating!
350 photos to uploaddd!
Friday, September 11, 2009 6:13:00 PM
I'm already half done.
My apologies to Winson Tan, I'm ultra sorry that i forgotten our meet up yesterday. Real sorry! Will have a belated birthday celebration soon! Once again, Ultra sorry!
My last 2 days was spent with my sister & nephew.
2 days ago i've done with my first part of n'lvl. 2 days later i'm going to talk my prelim again.
like what the hell can? Zzz!
Today i'm so going to the airport again, because another sister is so going to fly to China to have fun.
i'm still in love with the show, ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni. A damn touching showwww! :D
I've finish watching them, but i'm still going to watch em' again on channel u!
i'm been down these days. D:
enlighten me someone~
I hate your ignorance so much.
Labels: ignorance is your new best friend.
Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:44:00 PM
I felt super unimportant right now. No one seem to understand, no one seem to care.
No one seem to remember.
Anyway, think about it..
If it's you, How would you be feeling?
whatever, nothing special's happening. shitty & sucky!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009 1:13:00 PM
Firstly, i'm so done with my first set of N'lvl!
Sweetty is backkk!
i'm going to fall asleep soon.
i'm really really feeling happy and relieved!
i think i'm going to replenish my sleep tmr!
i'm going out with my sweety soon. :D
Tuesday, September 8, 2009 9:14:00 PM
I feel like a fool.
I don't even know why i should fall for you?
Maybe this statement is pretty true:
Love Is Blind.
& i'm the blind one falling for you. =|
12:38:00 PM
Things that are done, can never be undone.
A really fast update.
I've been studying for the past 3 hours ever since i'm back home.
I'm so gonna to get over with SS soon.
Be glad & Stay strong for the next 1 month, TRINA!
Yes, another one month you'll be freee from examinations.
Another thing that i'm feeling angry about >:(
I'm feeling paranoid when my cameras ain't here yet!
What the hell are they doing man?! Taking sucha long time to post the cameras to me?!
My sweetie made my day yesterday.
The moment i saw him, you know, my stress immediately went off.
He's sucha cutie pie that everyone loves. :D
Are you wondering why the heck i'm where when i have exam later on?
yes? no? yes? no?
Alright, i'm going bonkers real soon. I'll only be normal after 3.30pm today.
Because that's when my SS is over! :D Burn my SS papers, Tear my SS papers! No more nightmares tonight! wahahaha. i'm so happy but tired.
Smile even though your heart's aching.
This sentence is so true, smiling will make you feel better.
So i wonder when at times i feel so down you know?
it's definitely better to be happy than sad.
I have no choice, but to get over you and to move on in life.
I've made up my mind, not gonna to be bothered with you anymore.
I'm doing this for real this time.
Labels: I might feel better, Just leave me alone
12:46:00 AM
i really want to get over this real soon.
all i can say is,
I can't take all these stress anymore.
N'lvl doesn't even feel like N'lvl.
SS is bound to fail man,
I guess the rest are home studying while i'm out at the airport waving goodbye to stef.
Urghhh, shit! I'm really scared, i don't know why but i think i'm just stressing myself so hell much. Can you believe that next week is prelim?
Straight after N'lvl, i'm taking prelims again. Urghh. I dont know what the hell i should be doing seriously.
I feel like having a long sleep. Long rest.
All that i need now is a personal time for myself to rest.
& not forgetting God who has been with me walking with me this tough road.
Thank you Lord, without you. I know i've broken down long ago.
Alright, N'lvl tmr and time now is 12.51AM!
Hell shit, how to sleep when my hair is still so wet.
I dont care but i'm gonna to sleep until 7am tmr. Since my listening starts at 8am! Urghhh. Wednesday shall be my day to really take a good rest!
Monday, September 7, 2009 1:03:00 PM
Done with N'lvl Chinese!
Feel me? I'm so damn done with my chinese!
Perhaps i'm not even going to touch my dictionary!
I really want to thank God today.
seriously, i don't know what will happen if my electronic dictionary break down in the exam hall today.
So many hell words i don't know how to write la~!
Hahaha, But i really love paper 2, i must say.
Way too easy lah! :D
Up next...
SOCIAL STUDIES with it's Sri Lanka Northern Ireland Healthcare in Singapore And Britain Good Governance.
It's gonna to be so helly lah. Goodness gracious! i'm really gonna to study nowww.
Not much of time left anyway. My sister's flying off to tokyo today, and will be sending her off tonight. Therefore, another i'll really have to study now. Gotta go.
Sunday, September 6, 2009 8:23:00 PM
I'll be in school taking my n'lvls in less than 24 hrs time!
Goodnight world,
Please wish me real luck tmr.
So tired of everything right now.
$156 for a crumpler camera bag! :D
Save up no matter what! :D
4:36:00 PM
I wonder and i ponder.
no matter how much effort you've put in to love someone,
there's nothing you can do when he doesn't appreciate.
I don't know why,
but i felt lost once again.
I'm still saving up for the Camera bag! :D
i'm going off for dinner with my family!
It's n'lvl tmr! Gonna get over it real soon. Sick and tired of everything i've been studying.
Friday, September 4, 2009 1:47:00 PM
Awesome photoshoot.
Photoshoot in school with 4A2 & Rebella!

Siwei's 16th..
Kite Flying & Picnic session!
Yeah, I'm finally uploading those photos. I'm really going to take a nap soon. Because i'm going out to study! D:
Well, it's my last day of school today. After today, we'll be going for N'lvls.
& i guess we won't be going to school that often already..
So, it means that we're done with secondary school real soon.
Not a good thing though, i'm feeling quite upset too. =|
alright, gonna go take a nap now!
Byeee. Will update later!
Thursday, September 3, 2009 9:48:00 PM
quick one.
I just had a panadol.
I'm going to take a rest earlier tonight!
It's like having headache and at the same time, feel like vomiting.
i'm going off NOW!
it's class photo taking tmr!
& our very own rebellah school photoshoot! :D
I hope i won't be weak tmr, and give school a miss.
ALright i'm OFF NAWWWW~!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009 8:06:00 PM
7:29:00 PM
Birthday wish-list. (it's all so expensive.)
1. Crumpler camera bag. 2. Shoe from Onitsuka tiger.(the one i'm searching for so long!)
3. External Flash.
So far these are the things that i wish i could get for my birthday present.
Well, it's to pamper myself. Because i did pretty well for my first set of prelims.
Hahaha. & the wish list is in order! :D
another 27 more days people, i'm turning 16!
& i don't know how my birthday will be like, cause stef's away.
the only one who celebrates my birthday is away,
i reckon my birthday would be just a normal day anyway~
Alright, i'm going to get back to WORK. SS revision! ==''
12:09:00 AM
time passes real fast when you're enjoying.
friday: celebrated Siwei's 16th birthday @ singapore flyers.
Before meeting Siwei, Kt and me with to railway track for photoshoot session.
Saturday: went to school in the morning to have remedial lesson for social studies. evening, went to Archorvale field to fly kite cum picnic session with Noelle's family(jester,olive and her husband, victor), andy,Maddie, PX, TG, stef. Went to noelle's house for awhile too. And also to compass point to had dinner.
sunday: basically rest at home. And had dinner @ home.
Monday: ponteng school, went out to ton @ 1am with pearly, janice and surprisingly, phyllis. Headed home to sleep. Went out again at 1pm to have lunch @ aston, L4D @ yishun lan shop after that.
tuesday: went out @ 1.30pm with my mum, she had an appointment at 2.30pm @ alexandra hospital for check up. Accompanied her there and after that we went ion orchard and wheel lock to shop around. We had fish & co. I realise I should really spend more time with her man. she went home while I go meet Maddie and stef to watch orphan. Headed to potong pasir, took the circle like back home. first time and a little shua Ku. =p
Now is 12:22am, school Tmr.
Time to go. (: will upload the photos taken recently!
Soon! I promise! (:
Goodnighty people!
Labels: gonna to save up to get those things