Trina Ang | Create Your Badge
My name is Trina.His smile ツ, Brightens my day. Beauty gets the attention, but eventually, personality gets the heart. |
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 11:21:00 PM
Wow, wow.
You know what people? I've completed my Social Studies Source Based Questions! (: Like finally i've moved my ass to finish all of the SBQ. Well, i'm left with SEQ. Which will kill me more than SBQ lah. So don't feel like doing the SEQ can, perhaps i'm gonna to finish my SEQ during MT class tmr. Opps, and after completing my SS, there's still history. I'm so gonna to clear off my debts(undone homework.) Actually the fact is that my debts is left with Mr Trevor's homework & Mdm Gan's holiday assignment. Hahaha. I think i better go finish them up by tmr. Before mdm gan starts screaming her lungs out. Btw, there's something i feel so sad about )': ![]() she's leaving for probably around 4 months? )': Chia chia's flight is at 4pm, and she has to be there around 2pm? 23 July, a thursday? Can i like give school a miss to send her off? Urghh, i miss her so much so much. & i'm also gonna to miss her so much when she's there. I know we'll be oovoo-ing, skype-ing, msn-ing. All the things to do with webcam. Anyway, when she's backk.. I'll be free from examinations. Damn, i feel skipping school on that day! T.T Chiachia, gonna miss you! Miss me too! (: xoxo, TRINA- Labels: Do you know exactly how i feel? |