My name is Trina.
His smile ツ, Brightens my day.
Beauty gets the attention, but eventually, personality gets the heart.
I support ♥

Sunday, July 5, 2009 12:50:00 AM
sleepless nights.
It seem like my sleeping time is still kinda stucked at 3am. Can't get to sleep every night, sleeping at a earliest time of 2am. Had been sleeping at 5am during my holidays, so right now, cannot really fall asleep even when i want to. Toss and turn on my bed will wake stef up. So, i just have to lie down on my bed, you know. close my eyes, hoping to fall asleep as soon as possible. Actually, i feel kinda lethargic even when i'm sleeping 10 hours. Maybe tmr i should replenish my sleep while stef's out for her lesson uh.

Anyway, oovoo-ing with TG, PX, Andy & Carolyn is fun fun fun! Had a couple of hours of oovoo-ing just now with them. :D Carolyn! get a webcam soon lah, hahaha then we shall webcam all-day while you're in aussie! I'm so gonna to miss you man. )':
No more kakis for kelong, no more kakis for KTV! sad sad, gonna to meet you these days before you fly to aussie. I'm sure i'll be there to send you off yea! Hahaha, thanks for all those fun laughing days, times we had together. Gonna to miss you damn much!
Oh man, another good friend of mine is leaving for another country):

Dhineash has been away for nearly a year, kinda miss his nonsense actually. Those times where i bullied him, tease him etc are missed. Conference call, having all the nonsense in school, laughing like no body's business, making video for my birthday together with Fabian and Brian. Hmmm, When will i see him again? Damn, can't believe i actually miss him man.

Gonna to sleep right now.
Goodnight people. D:
got me confused!