My name is Trina.
His smile ツ, Brightens my day.
Beauty gets the attention, but eventually, personality gets the heart.
I support ♥

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 4:17:00 PM
School's super tiring actually.
I've been struggling to keep myself awake actually. I'm so super tired, actually i know i won't be able to make it thru the two double period of POA. So, i was awake for the first hour, then next hour i was in lalaland. Hohoho.
Maths totally used up my brain juice! Seriously, i could be awake during maths lesson. That was sometime recommendable already! Hahaha. Imagine if i sleep thru out the 4 periods. Omg, first time the whole class got scolded because of the maths undone holiday assignment. We got gan-nation today, a very worse one actually. Haha,

Had MT, as usual. Janice me and pearly is always kinda noisy, and we somewhat got kicked-out of class! Well, we went to the wash-room etc. And went back to class, my name was already in the class-journal. I knew ABC would start urghhh-ing me again. So half the time in FT interaction i put my head down. But i still could not escape from the gan-marathon by him though. So, i faced the music. Head back to my seat, head down, went into lalaland. Hahaha.

Something that i saw when i pass by somewhere, i feel so damn irritated to see the pair of shoes that she bought. She has been saying that she doesn't have money to whatever whatever. And what the hell? You bought 2 new shoes. That could cos probably few hundred bucks. Don't friggin tell me it's sales or whatever. Please, that 2 pair of shoes is branded. It won't go any cheaper that $40. Damn, if you say that you have no money, you shouldn't be even buying these kinda stuff. 1 pair of shoes i could understand. But hey, it's friggin 2 pairs! Damn, i'm frigggin flared up already. Who's the one who's saying she's broke etc. Yea yea, all your friggin nonsense.
Stop telling me that you're whatever whatever. I won't bother anymore. You're just another big moron! Sotong head! So infuriating!

& Yes, today is the start of N'level oral examination.
Janice is the first to go among us. )':
Damn sian, next week's thursday would be my turn man.
But good enough, Ms Koh would be having her oral examination together on the same day&date.

Oh my god, I still haven't complete Mr trevor's homework. & it's due tmr! Goodness gracious.
I'm going to take a nap, probably wake up later and complete all of his homework.