Trina Ang | Create Your Badge
My name is Trina.His smile ツ, Brightens my day. Beauty gets the attention, but eventually, personality gets the heart. |
Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:50:00 AM
let it go.
If you have the heart, you wouldn't do this shit. It's okay, Trina. Let it go. Let it go.. So not in the mood for every single thing. Holidays ain't holidays. One, so what if it's holiday? We're still bombarded with all the re-dos anyway. I have a total of 10. And one A3 drawing is Damn time consuming. Two, rebels are so not going to meet up as 5. Because, moron and Siwei's having school while we're having holidays. Three, good job, holidays come, Trina broke. But holidays, the only things I look forward to is class chalet and alpha chalet and our genting trip. :D |