Trina Ang | Create Your Badge
My name is Trina.His smile ツ, Brightens my day. Beauty gets the attention, but eventually, personality gets the heart. |
Thursday, April 1, 2010 1:15:00 AM
April's Fool Day!
J: trina, i broke up with terrence lee liao.): T: why? what happened? you okay? *Paused awhile* T: Okay. Shut up, I know. It's april's fool day! Hahahaha! J: Wah lao, Not fun one. J: Entertain me while ma.. T: Try harder next year girl. :) T: Hahahaha. J: Wah, so long): Happy April Fool's day lovely. I hope you all won't get pranked! and, I was reminded about the promotion of : Buy the mac, itouch will be yours. Was talking to Sophia, :):) I've decided to get my mac & itouch this year. Because it's a need. My poor acer has been with me for 9 years, going 10 years. All of my friends went like, WTF? Yes, my acer broked down twice. And i'm quite sure it's going to crash on me really soon. Therefore, It's a need to save up. Because i know my parents/sisters won't pay a single cents for me. Just like my DSLR! Oh well, my mom paid $100 for my camera though. :) Okay, Be determined to save up trina! |